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Author of Human Resource Management article, "Inspirational Leadership, Positive Mood and Team Innovation: A Moderated Mediation Investigation in the Pivotal Role of Professional Salience," Rebecca Mitchell of Macquerie University, was recently featured on ABC Radio National podcast, RN Drive, in which she discusses the relationship between inspirational leaders and innovation.

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Human resource management - Wikipedia
wikipedia.org - Human resource management - Wikipedia
Human Resource Management (HRM) - Definition and Concept
managementstudyguide.com - Human Resource Management (HRM) - Definition and Concept
What Is Human Resource Management?
thebalancecareers.com - What Is Human Resource Management?
What is Human Resource Management? - Definition from ...
techtarget.com - What is Human Resource Management? - Definition from ...
Human Resource Management - Encyclopedia - Inc.com
inc.com - Human Resource Management - Encyclopedia - Inc.com
Human Resource Management - What is HRM? - Definitions ...
whatishumanresource.com - Human Resource Management - What is HRM? - Definitions ...
Human resource management - HBR
hbr.org - Human resource management - HBR
What is human resource management (HRM)? definition and ...
businessdictionary.com - What is human resource management (HRM)? definition and ...
Human Resource Management - Nevada
nv.gov - Human Resource Management - Nevada

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